Monday, 3 November 2008

self evluation

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)

Attainment -2
This is because my work is very good =D
My achievements so far have been good and well organised.

Effort -2
I always try my best in every lesson; if I don’t understand something, I always ask questions

Punctuality -1
I am always on time!!

Submission and quality of homework -1
My work is always on time! And the quality of it is excellent =D

Ability to work independently -1
I am able to work by myself; read through text books by myself and pick key points

Quality of writing -1
My quality of writing is good, I can write in complex sentences.

Organisation of Media folder -2
I have a book, so my sheets are not in order, therefore my organisation could be a lot better

Oral contributions in class -2
I always contribute in class, but could speak abit more

Standard of Module 5 blog- 1
Mu blog is very good, and well organised, everything is clear and well resented

Standard of Module 6 blog -2
Could be abit better

b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.

I always do my work on time
My blog is well presented
I have a clear understanding of the work we are currently doing

I read books!
Did more work on med 6 blog

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