Thursday 27 November 2008

Gauntlett: Chapter One- Introduction

-“magazines aimed at women, and increasingly those for men, contain all kinds of advice on how to live, look and interact”.

-“Even with more marriage the changes have been profound as more and more women have entered the labour force and gender roles have become more homogenous between husbands and wives”.
(Smith, Tom W. (1999) ‘Marriage wanes as American families enter new century’, National Opinion Research Centre at the University of Chicago

-‘The UK’s National Centre for Social Research (2000) reported that their annual survey of social attitudes had found that: “The traditional view of women as dedicated ‘housewives’ seems to be all but extinct. Only around one in six women, and one in five men [mostly older people], think women should remain at home while men go out to work”.

-“At school, for example, studies have suggested that British girls with non-traditional career aspirations are let down by their teachers and career advisors, who still shuttle girls ‘into “feminine” jobs such as supermarket sales for work experience’ (Apter, 2000).”
(Apter, Terri (2000) ‘Bland Ambition’, Guardian, 6 April)

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