Monday, 23 March 2009

halloween UK

-The theme song would stay the same, because it is good, and eerie

-character roles (follows propps theory…final girl)
However I would make them more modern, through props, like clothing and hair and make up etc.. And give them acting lessons!

-the shots would need changing, some. They need to be abit faster to create tension amongst the audience, as films like the exorcist/omen/and new ones have a much faster paced feeling to it, to create an atmosphere as if the audience is with them.

-and the beginning didn’t really make sense, so I would sort of create a background info, like flashbacks of the killer, to show who and why he is like he is.

-I’d change his mask!

-I’d use more variety of angles, and effects if I want to attract an audience from 2009. There would be more pans, and high/low angles.

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